Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Personal Technology Project Proposal

One of my teaching teachers, Brenda Burr, loves to tell stories. She told us many stories about her experiences as an English Teacher, and she gave us good advice. Once she said, "Students love to feel like their work is important. Why not publish student works? It could be online, or through a writing contest, or you could compile your students' works in class. They love having their stuff be important -- not only to you, but to the outside world."

That is why I've decided to look into the self publishing websites for my personal technology project. I think it could be very useful to have a knowledge of how to use one of these websites in an English classroom.

I looked at both of the websites suggested, and I think I prefer wordclay. It looks more professional, and it seems easier to navigate.

There are a couple of things that I would use this technology for in the classroom. The first, is for ambitious student writers (especially in a writing class). For some classes, I will have big projects that students can self-publish here. They also can publish their portfolio here, compiling all their work from the class into one book. They also can compile their works into small group anthologies or class anthologies. I am most interested in students putting personal projects together and publishing it that way, and classroom anthologies for the entire class.

I will be putting together an example of a student's personal anthology. I will pretend that I have been taking a creative writing class, and this project will be the sum of all my work in that particular class. Students will be able to design it themselves, including the cover, layout, and illustrations or photographs.

It is a very exciting project! I have never used anything like this before, and I am excited to learn all about this technology. It is so cool.

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